Adult Ushers
Our Mission: To advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by serving faithfully as “Door Keepers,” hosts and ushers in the House of the Lord. To provide for the orderly conveyance of members and visitors to their seats during worship with courtesy, respect and Christian love.
Kingdom Technologies Ministry
Our Mission: To advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by incorporating the use of technology in order to facilitate and enhance the effectiveness of the mission and ministry of the church.
Kingdom Security Ministry
Our Mission: To advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by helping to ensure the safety of our members and visitors as well as providing for the security of our church facilities and resources.
Cuisine Ministry
Our Mission: To advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by preparing and serving healthy, nutritional food, prepared from the soul to both our church body and people in our community. To celebrate and fellowship with Jesus in love through the breaking of bread together as One Body in Christ. Matthew 25:35 – “For I was hungered and ye gave me meat, I was thirsty and ye gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in.”
Our Mission: To advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by serving the needs of the pulpit during any and all worship events. To serve believers and nonbelievers through scriptures and prayers and teaching them how to have and maintain a more healthy lifestyle. Providing information to the church and community, on health issues that affect our quality of life.
Servant Leaders Council
Our Mission: To advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ by managing and maintaining the church’s calendar of events, meeting regularly with all servant leaders to schedule and plan events. To promote events that will benefit and edify the body of our Lord Jesus Christ and draw the uncommitted and unregenerate to pursue a closer relationship with God.